

4/4 DB Turkish Get-Ups (Athlete Choice, Mod-Heavy)

1:00 Max Alt. DB Slides (Athlete Choice, Mod-Heavy)

-Rest as needed b/t Sets-

Then Into...


15 DB Floor Press (Athlete Choice, Mod-Heavy)

1:00 Glute Bridge Floor Press Hold*

-Rest as needed b/t Sets-

*Begins immediately after the 15 Floor Press.


*Reps, Loading, Volume*...

Extended Warm-Up -- Reps, Loading and Volume are good for all athletes. Can remove Tempo for Newer and Decon- ditioned Athletes on the Deficit Push-Ups. Have them just move with control during that movement.

Workout -- 16/16 total Turkish Get-Ups will be a lot for Newer and Deconditioned athletes still trying to gain exposure to the movement. Can look to drop that number down to 2 maybe 3 reps per set to see how they are moving. Have them look to get as much as they can in the 1:00 minute DB Slide. They don’t need to accumulate the whole minute. Look to drop the DB Floor Press to 8-10 reps depending on their capacity. Can also look to remove weight entirely for the Glute Bridge Floor Press Hold or hold Arms or very light change plates over Shoulders to get the added feeling.

*Movement Adjustments*...

DB Windmills -- Oblique Side Bend can work for athletes unable to safely keep weight overhead.

SA DB Push-Ups -- Look to lower the deficit of the Push-Ups first. Can also raise the level of the Push-Up height to help. SA DB Strict Press will work for those unable to press horizontally.

Turkish Get-Ups -- If athletes are unable to stand safely with Weight can try without. If not Turksih Sit-Ups will work for today. Single Arm Overhead Hold for 1:00 minute can work as well help build Shoulder stability and strength.

DB Slides -- Alternating Shoulder Taps will work for athletes unable to safely pull a DB. Can look to raise the height of the plank to a Box or other object as well.

DB Floor Press -- Athletes unable to lay on the ground can perform movement on a Box. Can also look Seated Strict Press if unable to press horizontally.

Glute Bridge Floor Press Hold -- If athletes can not safely hold both weights over their Shoulders paired with the Hold, they can look to hold one Single DB or no weight and Hands over Shoulders.

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