


3 TNG Deadlifts (@80% of Heavy 1-Rep Deadlift)

6 Box Jumps (30/24)

-Rest 0:30 b/t Sets-


AMRAP in Time Remaining of...

15 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25)|(25/10)

15 Plate Hollow Body Flutter Kicks*

*L + R = 1 Rep



1:00 Alt. Knee Drop Rotations 1:00 Elbow to Instep (R)

1:00 Elbow to Instep (L)

1:00 Downward Dog to Cobra


*Reps, Loading, Volume*...

Strength -- Be vigilant for all athletes that they are maintaining proper mechanics as the weight gets heavier. Today is a great time to act as a guide when they are looking to make jumps by giving them recommendations based on how their previous set looked. For newer athletes they can complete a set of 5 every 2:30-3:00 to get exposure and not get overwhelmed with volume. You can even include a (2111) Tempo for these athletes to ratchet up the difficulty just a tad and ensure they are moving with intent.

Workout -- Adjust the 80% DL if athletes are really gassed from their strength session, remember we want these unbroken each set! For new athletes you might consider turning the 5 sets into an EMOM to help get them extra rest.

MIN 1 - 3 Deadlifts + 4-6 Box Jumps MIN 2 - Rest

If going this route I would recommend having them take that final minute of rest if deconditioned before getting into the AMRAP. In a similar fashion you can adjust the reps down to 10/10 and add in a :30 rest between rounds for your decon- ditioned athletes if you see them taking too much rest or think it would be best.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Deadlift -- If unable to Deadlift the athlete can instead complete sets of 6-10 Weighted Good Mornings supersetted with 10-12 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls. Athletes can also work the Sumo Deadlift or a Deadlift from risers if they are limited by mobility. If the athlete needs to keep things light and wants to try something different, sets of 8/8 Single DB Crossbody Deadlifts supersetted with 30ft Staggered Stance Walking Good Mornings.

Box Jump -- Default to a lower box to preserve the jump if possible or adjust to Step-Ups. Athletes can and also perform 4/4 DB Goblet Split Squats or 10 Up-Downs.

Plate G2OH -- Athletes can adjust this movement to a Slam Ball or Russian/ American KB Swing if the plate isn’t an option. If the hinging is starting to light up their back or their mobility is hindering them from getting in a proper OH position they can adjust to DB Push Press or a Plate Clean.

Plate Hollow Body Flutter Kicks -- Ditch the plate if the load is causing the midline to break. Athletes can also simply hold the Hollow Body. Crossbody Mountain Climbers, Quad Heel Taps, or Sit-Ups are also great adjustments for today!

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