11/17/2023 Workout Option 1: Open 17.2 (1 of 6)Freedom (RX'd)17.212:00 AMRAP2 Rounds of:50ft Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50s/35s)16 Toe-to-Bars8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (50s/35s)Then, 2 Rounds of:50ft Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50s/35s)16 Bar Muscle-Ups8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (50s/35s)(KG conv: 22.5s/15s)Scorecard to help with score/reps can be found at the bottom, here: games-assets.crossfit.com/cfg_open2017_event_17_2_v14-1_0.pdf* See Coaches Notes for Independence, Liberty, Limited Equipment, and Large Class Option Cross FitNovember 17, 2023Comment Facebook0 Twitter Reddit 0 Likes