- Then - 8-minute EMOM [30 seconds of MAX effort in each minute] Freedom: Even Minute: 30 seconds of max Bar Muscle Ups Odd Minute: 30 seconds of max Hollow Rocks
Independence: Even Minute: 30 seconds of max Box Bar Muscle Ups, Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups, or Kipping Pull-ups Odd Minute: 30 seconds of max Hollow Rocks in Tuck Position
Liberty: Even MInute: 30 seconds of max Ring Rows Odd Minute: 30 seconds of max Hollow Hold in Tuck Position
Score is total reps of each movement
Big Daddy
Freedom (RX'd)
5 sets 1:30 AMRAP 20/16 Calorie Air Bike Max Double Dumbbell Snatch (35s/25s) in Remaining time -Rest 2:30 between sets- (KG conv: 15/10 DBs)